Enrolment options


Register for the course: To enroll in an online course you must first register online www.npt.com.br  and select the cursos option

Total  available spaces: 20
Objective:The objective of this course is to train the instructors and students to use the free LMS called Moodle.


The Moodle LMS is alignment with the open movement and gives the opportunity to everybody to design and implement an online course with no cost. It is far the most LMS used in the world.

Program itemized:
1. User needs
2. Support of learners
3. Learning objective
4. Resources, “to do” and connection type activities.

Target audience:Anyone who is interested in learning more about designing and facilitating online courses using MOODLE is invited to participate. No prior experience as an online educator is required. We anticipate the course will require anywhere from 5 hours per week depending on your experience and level of motivation.The course will take place entirely online using primarily Moodle

Cost: There is no fee for this course.

Admission prerequisites::no

Instructor: Prof. DrJosé Dutra de Oliveira Neto -> Lattes

Equipment: To ensure the best possible learning experience, owning or having reliable access to a modern personal computer with virus protection is recommended. A fast, reliable Internet connection is also required.

Each online course at NPT may have additional resource requirements, such as software, a web camera, or a microphone headset. Be sure to review specific requirements before starting any online course.

Assessment: The final assessment will be a group activity where the learners will design and implement a module of an online course in or Moodle server.The minimum passing grade is 7 (seven) or over out of 10 (ten).

Free Official Course Certificate:  It is not a certificate of accomplishment, it is a verified statement of accomplishment for those who have final grades over 7(seven) and 85% of attendance regarding all online activities.

For more information: npteducacional@gmail.com

FILATRO, Andréa. Design instructional contextualizado: educação e tecnologia. São Paulo: SENAC, 2004.
SILVA, Robson Santos. MOODLE 2 para Autores e Tutores. São Paulo: NOVATEC, 2013.
Horton, William, e-Learning by Design, 2nd Edition, ISBN: 978-0-470-90002-4, 640 pages, October 2011, ©2012, Pfeiffer
Moodle. https://docs.moodle.org/29/en/Moodle_manuals or portuguese: http://www.sfm.pt/moodle/manual-moodle2/
Youtube channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl8rR_87hKylQDvS1jD530w

Curso Oficial PRCEU: No
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